The Thinking Muse is a magazine covering culture, science, and curiosities of every kind. Just as the Greek Muses whispered inspiration for the arts and sciences, the mission of The Thinking Muse is to provide inspiration. Inspiration for introverts, nerds, and smarty-pants.

The Thinking Muse whispering inspiration

Take a look around and engage with the content by browsing, reading, or voting in a poll. I would love it if you would subscribe for weekly issues or connect/share on social media. But whatever you do, come away from your visit ready to act on your inspiration. Explore, create, and nurture your ideas to make your life and the world the best it can be.


Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Who is behind The Thinking Muse?

My name is Franzi Schneider-Krumpus and I am the creator of The Thinking Muse. You know how there are people who are in love with the idea of love? Well, I am inspired by inspiration. I get such a rush when I encounter a new flash of insight that I want to share that thrill with you.

I love to learn, but know that I will always be a work-in-process. I am curious, practical, straight-talking, anxiety-ridden, and extremely fortunate to have the life that I do. I am a wife, mother, and homemaker living in Minneapolis.

My favorite things include puzzles, science -especially cosmology, museums, travel, books, dance team, food -both making and eating it, and reading paperback mysteries.