해외발신 안전한 곳 찾고 계시다면?

해외로 문자 보내는 업체

생활을 하다보면 해외 쪽으로 대량의 문자들을 보내야 하는 일이 생기기도 합니다. 이럴 때마다 어떤 업체가 좋은지에 대해 검색을 하게 됩니다. 그러나 생각보다 찾기가 쉽지 않습니다. 그런 분들은 해외발신 업체에 대해 미리 한 곳 정도는 선정을 해두시는 것이 좋습니다.

국내 광고법 제한이 없는 서비스

업체를 선정할 때는 제일 먼저 국내 광고법에 대해서 알고 있어야 합니다. 그렇다면 국내 광고법이란 무엇일까요? 국내 광고법은 사용자가 원치 않는다고 말을 했음에도 불구하고, 일방적으로 문자를 전송하는 겁니다. 그런데 이 업체들은 이런 법에 제한을 받지 않는다는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 많은 분들이 개인적으로 보내기보다는 업체를 사용하는 이유이기도 합니다. 영향을 받으면 스팸으로 분류가 되게 되는데요. 이는 통신사가 미리 점검을 해서 광고성 문자라고 판단을 하여 차단을 해버립니다. 이런 경우가 생기지 않도록 해외발신 업체를 선정해야 하는 것을 알고 계시기 바랍니다.

게이트웨이 보유한 업체

그런데 업체라고 해서 국내 광고법에 걸리지 않는다는 것이 의아해할 수도 있습니다. 그럴 때 알아봐야 할 것은 바로 게이트웨이를 보유하고 있냐를 따져봐야 하는 것입니다. 게이트웨이가 있어야 스팸 차단을 막을 수 있습니다. 그러니 이것도 보유하고 있지 않은데 차단율이 낮다고 하시는 곳을 미리 거르시는 것이 좋습니다.

정보 관리를 철저하게 해주는 서비스

요즘은 피싱문자 같은 것들이 빈번하게 일어나면서 많은 사기들이 발생합니다. 나의 일은 아니겠지 하면서 신경도 쓰지 않아도 나에게 닥치면 책임은 온전히 본인이 지게 되는 것인데요. 그래서 이런 서비스를 이용할 때도 해외발신을 할 때 정보가 빠져나가지는 않는지 꼼꼼하게 확인을 하셔야 합니다. 또한, 정상적인 업체가 아니라면 다른 손님들에게 정보를 공유하기도 하는데요. 자신의 손님들로 만들기 위해서 사례라고 하면서 정보들을 은근히 공유하는 방식을 사용하는 것입니다. 상담받는 분은 눈치를 못 챌지 몰라도 우리가 보기에는 누가 봐도 정보를 빼내는 악용 사례가 발생하게 되는 것입니다. 그러니 이런 것을 유도로 상담을 하는 것은 아닌지 따져봐야 할 필요가 있습니다.

평균적인 요금 견적

마지막으로 해외발신을 할 때 들어가는 요금에 대해서 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 아무리 많은 것들을 따져보더라도 너무 높으면 부담이 되고 너무 낮으면 의심이 들 수밖에 없습니다. 그래서 평균적인 금액을 알려드릴 텐데요. 먼저 대량의 기준을 3천 건으로 생각해 보도록 하겠습니다. 3천 건 이하로 문자를 발송해야 할 때는 건당 25원 정도로 잡으면 충분합니다. 그러나 3천 건 이상이 되면 20원으로 해주는 업체도 있으니 참고하시면 될 것 같습니다. 그런데 이것보다 더 많은 대량 문자가 필요하신 분들도 있을 것 같은데요. 그런 분들은 상담을 하면서 정확한 견적을 내려드릴 수 있으니 이 점 참고하시고 요금에 대해 생각하신 뒤에 상담을 하시면 될 것 같습니다.

신뢰를 주는 업체

요금도 적당하고 모든 것들이 괜찮은 것 같으면 해외발신을 하는 업체를 선정할 수 있을 것입니다. 마지막으로 짧게 딱 3가지를 꼽아 설명드리면서 마치도록 하겠습니다. 해외에 전송을 하는 곳은 게이트웨이를 보유하는 곳이어야 합니다. 이게 없다면 개인으로 보내는 것과 다른 것이 없기 때문에 제일 중요합니다. 돈도 버리게 되는 것이니까요. 둘째, 정보 관리를 꼼꼼하게 해주는 곳에서 해야 합니다. 빠져나가게 되면 이 일이 아니라도 추후에 사기문자가 발송이 되거나 이상한 링크가 전송될 위험이 있습니다. 그러니 이 점도 각별한 주의가 필요합니다. 마지막으로 세 번째는 요금 견적 상담을 할 때 정확한 견적을 받아야 합니다. 추후에 추가금이 필요하다는 등의 업체는 좋지 못한 곳입니다. 그러니 제가 설명드린 가격을 토대로 삼아서 잘 알아보시고 효과를 잘 누리면 될 것 같습니다. 처음 하시는 분들은 어떤 곳이 좋을지 잘 모르기 때문에 이런 것들만 생각하더라도 좋은 곳에서 사용을 하실 수 있을 것입니다. 활용을 잘 하셔서 효과가 있으시길 바라겠습니다.

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We all know…

We all know…

We all know…

[via goodreads]

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Love of food series: What is flavor and how do we perceive it?

Love of food series, part 1: What is flavor and how do we perceive it?

Love of food series, part 1: What is flavor and how do we perceive it?

Are you a foodie?

I am.

If you are, you probably agree that food is one of the greatest joys in life. I love making food, talking about food, and of course eating food. I am passionate about it.

Through my life, I have gone through a learning experience with food. I guess we all do. We all start in different places based on how we were raised. Were you raised in a vegan family or perhaps grabbing food on-the-go to the next activity? Something in between? Whatever it was, you were likely dependent on what was provided for you. But once we are adults, it is up to us to take our food experience and run, or not.

I would classify myself as an advanced moderate foodie. It has been a process to get here. I cook a huge majority of our meals at home. I like to reverse engineer my favorite meals from restaurants (with some hits and misses). I like to try new dishes, often combining the elements from a few recipes picking and choosing what I like best from each. I make baked goods from scratch. Don’t you hate “homemade” recipes that include premade mixes or sauces as a major ingredient? What is homemade about that!?

I thought it would be fun to write about food and all that is wonderful about it. Because there is a lot to write, I turned it into a series. This is part 1 about flavor. The next parts of the series will be about taste and the eating experience.


What is flavor?

That is a complicated question and even experts from various fields can agree on what is flavor.

According to ASTM International, the definition of flavor is…

(1) perception resulting from stimulating a combination of the taste buds, the olfactory organs, and chemesthetic receptors within the oral cavity; (2) the combined effect of taste sensations, aromatics, and chemical feeling factors evoked by a substance in the oral cavity.
Ok, that is pretty stiff. Technically, they are defining it, but it leaves me wanting more. Frankly, I think they left a couple factors out as well. It just doesn’t seem to do justice to the scale and scope that is the experience of flavor. I personally prefer this definition from The International Organization for Standardization. Their definition of flavor is…
Complex combination of the olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations perceived during tasting. The Flavour may be influenced by tactile, thermal, painful and/or kinaesthetic effects.
Basically, flavor is a perception. I like visuals to help me understand, so I made a image to show the process that ends in what is flavor.what is flavor, flavor equationOr in a more mathematical way:
Food stimulates the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, trigeminal/touch) then your brain processes that input with your unique knowledge (personal memories, emotions) and comes up with a flavor and what that means to you.

Chocolate stimulates my senses (dark brown, silent, coffee, sweet and bitter, melting and smooth) then my brain processes with my unique knowledge (treats and celebrations and luxurious and pick-me-up, happy and celebratory) and comes up with chocolate…yum, I love it and I want more.

Because each step of the process is complicated, I break each step down to discuss the finer details. The steps are broken into input/stimulation, senses, brain, flavor.

Note: Flavor is complicated to study because there are many variables at play and each person is different. Scientists are still learning about how all the senses work together to create flavor experiences. In this article, I mention studies that have been done and their interesting finds, but that doesn’t mean it is the definitive word. To truly be proven, a finding needs to adhere to the rigour demanded of science. You can refer to my Resources to look further into the information I provide.




Obviously, this is what we are talking about. The end all and be all that is the love of food.

It is amazing what strong emotions it can provoke aside from providing life supporting nutrition. For the sake of these articles I include beverages into the food category. The diversity of food from all over the world can excite us all.


While I don’t specifically talk about the environment in the diagram above, it also plays a role. When you eat, you aren’t in a vacuum. Even if you were, that would still impact your dining experience. Whatever your environment, it will influence your senses while eating.

You know this to be true if you have ever had take-out. Same food in a different environment will taste different. I prefer to eat food in the environment it was cooked.

The smells, sights, and sounds around you will overlap and become a part of the whole flavor experience.




Smell is the primary factor influencing what is flavor to the consumer. Estimated to be 75% of the factor behind what is flavor. With recent science claiming the human nose can detect 1 trillion odors, that is a smorgasbord of scents.

Food companies take advantage of the fact that smell has such a large influence on flavor. It can take a similar base such as jelly beans or soda and change the taste dramatically by adding different flavorants/flavorings. These flavorants can be natural, nature-identical, or artificial. Cost and availability drive that decision for the food companies.

Odors can get to the olfactory receptor cells 2 ways. The first is through the nose and is called orthonasal olfaction. The second is through the back of the mouth and throat called retronasal olfaction. The latter is thought to be the more significant of the 2.

The odors then get absorbed through mucus to the receptor cells. Disease and age can cause changes to the mucus affecting the sense of smell, and thus flavor.

Humans have about 12 million olfactory receptor cells. The stronger the concentration of the odor the stronger the signal to the brain. If the flow of odor chemicals in the air is impeded, such as in a congested nose during a cold, the signal will never reach the receptor cells reducing or eliminating the smell signal.

The olfactory nerve endings in the roof of the nose send the message to the brain via the olfactory bulb. Scent messages are processed through the areas of the brain correlated with memory, emotion, and speech. A scent may even inhibit your speech for a moment.

Scent also is processed through the autonomic or involuntary nervous system. This is why a smell can have an immediate impact on our body. An odor can induce nausea or vomiting. It can also cause our mouths to water and get our gastric juices pumping. Let’s hope for the latter.

Anosmia is the inability to perceive scents. Without the ability to smell, sufferers miss an important link to memories and past emotions. Sufferers also cite feeling isolated or cut-off and can leave them feeling depressed. Because it robs them of a large portion of the flavor identifiers, anosmia makes food a different experience from most people.


Taste is the secondary factor when determining what is flavor to a consumer. It is limited to 6 formally identified tastes:

  1. Sweet
  2. Salty
  3. Sour
  4. Bitter
  5. Savory (Umami)
  6. Oleogustus (Fat)

In the near future, we may have more to add. There are studies to see if alkaline, metallic, or water-like will match the criteria to be officially named a taste.

Since taste is such a huge topic on its own, I delve more into it in another article.

(Coming soon: Love of food series, part 2)

There are taste buds scattered over your palate and throat as well as bundled together in papillae on your tongue. Everyone has a different number of taste buds. Additionally, each taste bud varies in the number and types of taste receptors it has. All the information combined from each taste bud forms the taste message sent to your brain.

Chemicals from food enter the gustatory pores on the taste buds. Inside are the taste cells. At the base of the taste cells are nerves. These nerves take the chemical information as well as the trigeminal (touch/temperature/pain) messages to the brain. There are 3 nerves supplying taste information to your brain.

• The facial nerve sends messages from the front 2/3 of your tongue.

• The hypoglossal nerve sends messages from the back 1/3 of your tongue.

• The glossopharyngeal nerve sends messages from your palate and throat.

Different tastes don’t just exist for our pleasure of food. They have been built in by evolution. Foods that give us nutrients and proteins are appealing. While toxic or rotting meat is unappealing. Our preferences were a matter of survival.

Geography also plays a role in how our tasting ability has developed. An example is the evolutionary role in different sensitivities to bitter. Exposure to environments with toxins or toxic plants has lead to extra bitter receptors in populations.

Are you a supertaster? There is variance between how many papillae people have. If you have a lot you are considered a “supertaster.” These people prefer milder food because they are already getting a lot of stimulation from the food. “Subtasters” are on the other end of the spectrum. With a low density of papillae they like a lot of flavorants to add to the taste.

I found information on supertasters and sensitive tasters. The sensitive taster information is confusing to me. The sensitive taster information is tied to a test based on mint sensitivity, and the cooling effect of mint is sensed by the trigeminal nerve and isn’t technically taste. So, I would call it a sensitive trigeminal nerve. I will go ahead and post the information under taste even though I believe it may belong in the next section with the trigeminal sense.

This test from The Taste Science Laboratory determines how sensitive of a taster you are. The test uses your reaction to mint as a rough guide. Based on your sensitivity to the taste, smell, and cooling sensation of mint, it assigns you to a “taster group.” If you have a…

  • Very strong reaction, you are a highly sensitive taster. Highly sensitive tasters believe the flavor of food is important, they like a lot of foods, and they are often passionate about food.
  • Moderate to strong reaction, you are a moderately sensitive taster. Moderately sensitive tasters believe the flavor of food is important, they like many foods and dislike a few foods, and they are often passionate about food.
  • Weak to undetectable reaction, you are a mildly sensitive taster. Mildly sensitive tasters don’t believe the flavor of food is that important, they like many foods and dislike a few foods, and they are not passionate about food. (This just makes me sad for them. They are missing out big time.)

Make what you want of these “tests.” It is just kind of fun to try to figure out your likes and dislikes. Frankly, it doesn’t make sense to me because I am quite sensitive to mint, but really like spice and heat in my food.

Trigeminal senses

The trigeminal nerve senses the texture and temperature information of food. The trigeminal nerve has sensory and motor information from 3 branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and the mandibular nerve. Just as the 3 nerves for taste and the olfactory nerve for smell, the trigeminal senses have its own nerve to send pain or irritant messages to the brain.

The texture of food and beverage affects how easily the chemical compounds can access the taste buds and olfactory system. Coarse or grainy foods are slow to get to where they are perceived. While creamy and liquidy foods quickly reach their intended targets.

Because of this time difference the intensity and onset will be perceived differently. Coarser food will have a slower onset with a lower perceived intensity than more liquified foods. While that sounds like a genius way to make food taste better, I think we can all agree that going to an all liquid diet isn’t something we want to do. Obviously, texture is just one more piece in the complicated puzzle of what is flavor.

Texture or mouthfeel is difficult to articulate and study. The slipperiness of oysters to the stinging fizz of carbonation. This is all being picked up and added to the equation. Scientists are just trying to catch up to what a hypertexturalist already know, texture has a huge impact on flavor.

One of the biggest challenges people have is believing that spiciness/heat is not a taste. It is literally a pain. That hot or spicy taste you get from Mexican, Indian, Tex-Mex, Szechuan, Korean, and Thai food is caused by a reaction from capsaicin or ethanol. The trigeminal nerve, that also senses hot temperatures, sends a pain message to the brain.

The same can be said for the cold or fresh, minty sensation. Spearmint, menthol, ethanol or camphor react with the nerve cells that also sense cold. This message also uses the trigeminal nerve to get to the brain. Regardless of how it feels, neither the hot or cold sensation is caused by a true temperature change.

Heating food can release more chemical compounds. This can make the food smell stronger impacting the flavor through smell. However, the impact of temperature alone on flavor is still being studied.


The color of food can affect your taste. A study found that a darker color red juice tasted sweeter to testers. A trend showed that the stronger the color the stronger the taste and flavor perception.

Another study colored white wine to appear like red wine. The testers described the wine with typical red wine adjectives, not those expected with white wine. It has been shown that uncolored or miscolored foods and beverages are more often misidentified. A lot of this boils down to what our expectations are and what color associations our culture has created.

bean soup

Yuck or yum?

This bums me out about a bit because I would like to see less colorants added to food. Whenever I see a strongly colored food I am immediately suspect of the artificial coloring added. I guess it is good since those foods tend to be unhealthy choices. It is kind of a built-in warning system. Danger! Toxic! Poison!

There are other elements of the visual presentation aside from color that impact the experience of food. It just hasn’t shown up in studies. If you go to a top restaurant you will notice that the chefs already know what science hasn’t proven yet, that presentation counts.

Our brains, of course, can override the visual state of food. Dishes like hashes and stew can look quite unappetizing, but because of other factors like smell or memories we know that we can joyfully take part.


The jury is still out on this one, but interesting finds are being discovered.

Perhaps you have heard about music enhanced dining experiences. Heston Blumenthal used ocean sounds to accompany seafood dishes. The London restaurant House of Wolf served sonic cake pops with instructions to call a number and select either bitter or sweet to be played while eating the dessert. Then there is the rumor of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream having music tied to QR codes to complement specific flavors. Don’t you just love people that try new things?

It has been found that people preferentially match odors to musical features. Studies had listeners/smellers listen to various pitches, instrument classes, as well as look at various shapes while smelling scents. The initial information showed potential links to investigate in the future. If you want to test out the theory on yourself, grab a cup of coffee and watch Experiment: Does sound affect your taste? from BBC.

Another study has shown that playing high-frequency music while eating crunchy food will make it taste crunchier. Higher frequency sounds have also been shown to bring out the sweetness in candy. While low-frequency music increased the perception of bitter tastes in candy.

Music isn’t the only sound we may hear while eating. Other background sounds will impact flavor perception as well. Loud background noise can seem to reduce the tastes of salty and sweet. So concerts, planes, and construction sites aren’t the place to enjoy dessert. We already knew that airplane food wasn’t the greatest, am I right?



The brain now has a big job. It needs to process the information from smell, taste, trigeminal senses, sight, and sound.

The messages eventually all meet up in the insula which identifies it. That message then gets an emotion and meaning attached via the temporal lobe and cingulate gyrus.

Memory/Emotionhappy eater

Because smell is strongly linked with memory, and autobiographical memory in particular, it can bring about strong emotions and feelings. Past emotional events and rituals are ingrained with scents such as the fragrance of a loved one or pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.

This is also why comfort food gives us such pleasure. While everyone has different food that means comfort to them, it is usually tied to nostalgic feelings. Memories of being with loved ones or in a safe place make us feel we aren’t alone. Thus, the comfort in comfort food.

(Coming soon: Love of food series, part 3)



Once the flavor is determined, we need to figure out what to do with it. The flavor and emotion get sent to the orbitofrontal cortex. Here we evaluate and decide how to react. Do we love it and want more? Do we think it is poison and spit it out?

Is the flavor enough to incite passion? Possibly enough to even build a career around. Many people think so. Others just enjoy and build family rituals around meals.

Whatever the case, cheers and good appetite everyone. Here’s to great food!


Are you a foodie?

What do you think about all of this? Do you share my love of food? We are all experienced eaters and know firsthand the joys and sorrows of food.

If you are a visual learner, here are three fun videos I found over at PBS learning media.

Do you consider yourself a foodie? What do you think makes you a foodie?

I would love to hear your memorable stories around food. Please share in the poll or comments.



About taste from Science of Cooking

About taste from The Taste Science Laboratory

Composing with Cross-modal Correspondences: Music and Odors in Concert from Springer

Experiment: Does sound affect your taste? from BBC

Flavor (or Flavour) from The Society of Sensory Professionals

FYI: Why does some food taste bad to some people and good to others? from Popular Science

How does our sense of taste work? from U.S. National Library of Medicine

How sound affects the taste of our food from The Guardian

Human nose can detect 1 trillion odours from Nature

Interactions in flavor from Food Science Department, Ohio State University

Psychology and smell from Fifth Sense

The New Science Behind Picky Eaters from Yahoo

The science of why you crave comfort food from Time

Taste molecules — The molecular basis of taste from Science of Cooking

What is flavor? from Science of Cooking

What is olfaction? from The Monell Center

What You See Is What You Taste, Says Scientist from National Geographic


About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Love of food series, part 2: What is taste and how do we sense it?

Love of food series, part 2: What is taste and how do we sense it?

Love of food series, part 2: What is taste and how do we sense it?

Yum! I love how it tastes!

We all have favorite foods.

Some people go straight for the sweets like chocolate. Others prefer salty nuts or chips and salsa to satisfy their cravings. Whatever the case, we feel strongly about tastes. There are preferences and emotions.

That is because smell and taste are strongly linked to emotions. These flavor components and emotions are processed in the same part of the brain.

It is the reason many people have passion for food. And it is the reason behind my article series Love of food.

Welcome to part 2 of the series. This article covers the topic of taste. This includes what is taste, what are the 6 defined tastes, as well as what tastes might scientists deem worthy of the title in the future.


What is taste

Taste refers to the information sent from the tongue to the brain. Chemicals in food are picked up by the gustatory system and sent to the brain. Because taste is only one component of flavor, the brain combines the information from all the other senses to determine flavor.

(See Related: Love of food series, part 1: What is flavor and how do we perceive it?)

Taste is sensed through the taste buds. These taste buds are located on the tongue, throat and palate.

Each taste bud has 50-150 taste cells representing all 6 taste sensations in differing proportions. The receptor proteins of the taste cells either bind with or channel the ions of the taste ingredients. These actions are picked up by the nerve fibers and sent to the brain.

There is actually some disagreement as to what makes up our basic taste senses. There is no single definition of taste that is agreed upon by everyone. In an attempt to make it as consistent as possible, science is required. By using chemicals, nerve systems, and processes we can try to make sense of the sense.

Using this method, a basic taste should have…

  1. a unique structure
  2. a unique receptor
  3. people are able to distinguish it from other tastes

Fun facts from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders:

  • About 25% of Americans are non-tasters, 50% are medium tasters, and 25% are super-tasters.
  • Taste cells (along with smell cells) are the only sensory cells that are regularly replaced throughout life. Taste cells usually last about 10 days. How cool is that? I never knew this.
  • Women at all ages are generally more accurate than men in identifying odors. As we now know from my Love of food series, part 1 flavor article, smell is the largest component of flavor perception.

In addition to all the pleasure taste gives us, it serves an important function. It helps us test what they are consuming. Is it ripe, rotten, or poison? You will likely taste it. Thus, over the course of human history it has helped us survive.

I will now cover the 6 scientifically-tested tastes. With each taste, I identify foods/flavorants associated with the taste, what balances or counteracts the taste, and what other taste it enhances or brings out.


Saltysalty taste -olives

The chemicals that cause the salty taste are mineral salts. Commonly sodium chloride, but can also be potassium or magnesium salts.

What we get from salty foods is salt and other minerals. These enable modulating diet for electrolyte balance.

  • Description: amplifying and sharpening
  • Food associated with: Salt, anchovy, cured meats, olives
  • Balances: Bitter
  • Enhances: Sweet


Soursour taste -limes

Mostly acidic solutions taste sour. The sour taste is the hydrogen ions split off by an acid dissolved in a watery solution. The hydrogen ions also inhibit the hyperpolarization of the taste receptor cell.

What we get from sour foods is vitamin C.

  • Description: brightening, sharp
  • Food associated with: lemon juice, lime juice, vinegar, pickles, yogurt, sour cream
  • Balances: Sweet
  • Enhances: Salty


Sweetsweet taste -honey

This taste is typically associated with sugars, but can also be caused by amino acids and alcohols.

What we get from sweet foods are carbohydrates. This provides us with energy rich nutrients.

  • Description: sugared or candied
  • Food associated with: sugar, honey, maple syrup, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, corn
  • Balances: Sour, Bitter
  • Enhances: Salty


Bitterbitter taste -coffee

The bitter taste is the taste of a base (as opposed to an acid). There are about 35 different proteins in the sensory cells that respond to bitter substances.

Most people have a natural aversion to bitter. This likely evolved because most toxic plants taste bitter.

This taste allows us to sense many natural toxins.

  • Description: harsh, unpleasant
  • Food associated with: coffee, chocolate, beer, broccoli, kale, radicchio
  • Balances: Sweet, Salty
  • Enhanced with: NA


Umami (Savory)umami taste -mushrooms

This taste is produced by the free glutamates (largely based on amino acids and nucleotides) commonly found in fermented and aged foods.

What we get from umami foods are amino acids and protein.

  • Description: earthy, meaty, brothy
  • Food associated with: parmesan cheese, soy sauce, fish sauce, walnuts, tomatoes, mushrooms, MSG
  • Balances: Bitter
  • Enhances: Sweet


Oleogustus (Fat)oleogustus taste -oil

Since this was just recently determined to be a taste, there is still a lot that needs to be learned. It is not the creamy flavor we associate with the triglycerides in fatty foods because that is more of a mouthfeel sensed through the trigeminal senses than taste with taste buds.

It is speculated that just as with bitter, the sense of oleogustus is more of a warning that we are consuming something we shouldn’t.

What we get from oleogustus is fat (calories)!

  • Description: unpleasant, linoleic acid
  • Food associated with: rancid foods, oxidized oil
  • Balanced with: NA
  • Enhanced with: NA

I expect to hear more about oleogustus in the future as scientists find more information to share with us.


Future of taste

Sometimes it surprises me how much we don’t know about our own bodies. We have such great technology and yet our bodies still hold some mystery.

I do appreciate that humans are complex beings. It is amazing to me that so many of us function as well as we do considering all our different systems.

Thanks to some curious and smart people, research continues on the quest for knowledge regarding taste and flavor. As time goes on, there will likely be more officially recognized tastes.

Contenders that are being studied are:

  • Metallic
  • Alkaline
  • Water-like
  • Calcium
  • Kokumi


Savor it

We have the ability to love and hate tastes. Both serve us well, so listen to your body.

If you haven’t already, read the first article in the Love of food series: Love of food series, part 1: What is flavor and how do we perceive it?

The next article will complete the love of food series. It will focus on cooking and enjoying of food.

(Coming Soon: Love of food series, part 3)

Do you have certain foods you always crave? Let me know in the poll or comments!




About Taste from Science of Cooking

A New Taste Has Been Added to the Human Palate from Time



How does our sense of taste work? from U.S. National Library of Medicine

Learn to Make Any Dish You Cook Better with the Science of Taste from Life Hacker

Quick Statistics About Taste and Smell from National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorder

Scientists Make The Case For A 6th Taste — But It’s Less Than Tasty from NPR

Taste Molecules — The Molecular Basis of Taste from Science of Cooking

The 5 Tastes & How to Cook with Them from Food 52

The Flavor Connection from Scientific American

The science of taste from Kitchen Geekery

Tip of the Tongue: Humans May Taste at Least 6 Flavors from Live Science

What is Flavor? from Science of Cooking

What is taste? from About Taste

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Winter etymology

Winter etymology

Winter etymology

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Try etymology

Try etymology

Try etymology

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Unknown quote: A child can…

Unknown quote: A child can…

Unknown quote: A child can…

[via quotesbuddy.com]

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Voltaire quote: Man is free…

Voltaire quote: Man is free…

Voltaire quote: Man is free…

[via brainyquote]

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Voltaire quote: The more I read…

Voltaire quote: The more I read…


[via funderstanding.com]

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

Thoreau quote: There is no value…

Thoreau quote: There is no value…

Thoreau quote: There is no value…

[via brainyquote]

About The Author

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus

Franzi Schneider-Krumpus is the creator of The Thinking Muse. She is an inquisitive and straight-talking homemaker. Her favorite things include museums, astronomy, dance team, and food -both making and eating it. She is a lyrics search engine and is often baited by her family with lines from a song to get her to sing and dance around the house.

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